To those that didn't receive my email on why I made the site free and my current state of health:
Private Underground Now Free To All
Greetings all members. I am writing to both thank you for joining even before I ever officially announced this website and to apologize for my subsequent absence of activity for the last year or more.
I have cancelled all future payments as membership fees and have decided to use those (collected) funds to keep this website up and running for however many years that will pay for. Google censorship and banning has not only affected my videos, but this site as well was almost immediately placed on Google's "blacklist" and banned from some countries at the nation-wide server level. It's a no-win situation for me out there, but at least by preserving this site and paying for self-streaming and storage I can at least avoid the censorship, even if from the digital shadows.
However, I have kept all of your memberships attached, so you can still log in and post and comment on the forums. While everything is free to listen, read, watch, and download, the forums do require a free membership. As you already have that, no worries. I believe the profile part is fixed now, so you can edit that now. Any issues with anything please let me know. Again, I thank you for your support in paying this fee. While I had intended to keep saving that money in a fund for some future mutual benefit of members, I have decided instead to use it to pay for many years of this site to keep it free for everyone, since I spent many weeks meticulously posting all the content and created it at a considerable cost. Sadly, 100 gigs of space for hosting isn't cheap. Disclaimer: if anyone is upset or disagrees with this use of those membership fees toward the site, I will happily refund what you contributed if you feel that is fair. I will be offering future books and other projects at a discounted price for those that where my original members though.
I will also be posting my new blog and any new videos and interviews, including Red Pill Sunday School Season 3.
And now I must apologize. You see, when I first opened this site and spent so much time and money to do so I had every intention to be active and participatory with it as I continued my usual research and stuff. Shortly thereafter, when you can see I stopped commenting and posting on the site for long periods in between, I came down with my second battle with Covid. While the first one almost killed me, leaving me in a 5-day hallucinatory state, losing 10 pounds from not eating, and with a pain shooting in my legs like nothing I have ever felt before, I recovered even when my friends and neighbors were sure I was on deaths door. But it was the second time around, shortly after creating this website, that really messed me up. While the symptoms were much less severe, the after-effects including what they call "brain fog" or "long Covid" hit me in a really bad way.
I have spoken before about an off-label anti-psychotic that was given to me when I asked for a sleeping pill, which has killed many people, and which brought huge lawsuits against that company. Seroquel was the name. Back in 2010 or so, this was my first bout with an attack on what is called "Executive Function" from that drug, shutting down my autonomic breathing response so that I had to manually breath in and out. But it also caused other non-responsiveness in everyday life, like the automatic function that happens when I thought of something just wasn't causing my body to respond. The automatic response to things just wasn't there anymore. Flash forward to last year and Covid finished the battle. After this second illness I was left with the common brain fog, yes, but what was left of my executive function was all but destroyed. As much as I am embarrassed to admit this to you all, I am a worthless man. While I kept my emotions, my empathy, my intentions, my wit and my memory, and even my penchant for speaking and recalling what I've researched, I found that my mind, perhaps even my spirit was somehow detached from my body, severed. I feel sometimes like a ghost. If I were being really honest with myself, I don't even know if I could take care of myself or hold on to a job at this point. My body simply does not respond to my will. Like with other ADD-like issues, I find that I have great trouble completing tasks and writing or other projects, which is why you don't see much from me anymore.
A search for "executive function" and for "covid" causing it will turn up a plethora of material, so I won't try to explain further. I believe this might be why people seem to have changed lately though, seeming lazy or uncaring or unresponsive, or even dumber (if that's possible). But I actually think this so-called brain fog is actually an effect of Covid or other drugs or additives, etc. I was lucky not to have taken a full dose of the drug, but no one can regulate what the virus will do. With that, again, I want to apologize for my absence on my own site. I had every intention of building and starting several projects with it, but I just haven't been able to function properly. Even writing this is a huge chore to finish. I've started it a few times only to start over a few weeks later. Same with my many unfinished projects. I didn't even upload all my newer content yet, though I have just finished converting it so there will be more videos soon, namely all the ones with Brandon especially. It's good stuff! That will be up asap. Again, I wish to thank everyone for their support. I feel much better offering all this freely anyway. I hope you feel the same. The website is updated, and no more fees will be collected. I will put a donation tab up as usual. Glad to still have you all aboard, and with some help I am sure we can accomplish what was and still is my intention behind this site. I will endeavor to keep on keeping on and hope you stay for the ride...Be well,
Afternote: I found out that the same metabolism issues that caused my issues with Seroquel are the same exact ones (cytochrome P450 set) that metabolized viruses and bacterium. So I was screwed from the beginning. This effects 10-20% of people. The studies show that the so-called cytokine storm and other "side-effects" are a direct response to non-metabolism, including inflammation, etc. you would like to research it yourself, which I highly recommend, here are some links to get you started:
Viruses and Metabolism: The Effects of Viral Infections and Viral Insulins on Host Metabolism - PMC (
The Pharmacogenetics of Treatment with Quetiapine (
Interactions between the cytochrome P450 system and the second-generation antipsychotics - PMC (
Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Drug Metabolism in Humans - PMC (
The Role of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes in COVID-19 Pathogenesis and Therapy - PMC (
Role of Cytochrome P450 2C9 in COVID-19 Treatment: Current Status and Future Directions - PMC (
Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19) on Cytochromes P450 Activity Assessed by the Geneva Cocktail - PubMed (
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and CYP2D6 (
Let me know if these links are bad. Be well...
Thanks for sharing brother!
Even with all the issues that you are facing, you are still light years ahead of most people.
I'm always looking forward to your newest work. At the same time I highly enjoy watching and listening to your previous work.
Always wishing you all the best and thanks again for the quality of your work!
Thank you for posting this information, Clint.