A priest that i use to know, that lead our Serbian Orthodox winter retreat camp when I was in highschool. I couldn't help but just laugh, I was tempted to make a comment but there's no use. Oh the irony of this iron age. Oh the Hypocrisy.

-- Marko
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One of my books I'' be releasing in the future discusses hypocrisy in depth. It is essentially the definition of simulation, of which is the truth behind the fictional Matrix movies. If you want a good read on how simulation (hypocrisy) rules over everything we know, my top recomondation of all books I've read, it would be the one that the Matrix movies used even against the author's wishes, the book being a warning while the movie celebrates what is warned about. SIMULACRUM AND SIMULATION --Jean Baudrillard PDF's can be found as well, but I recommend the book and to take lots of notes and highlighting. All in all I've read it at least 20 times in parts (not consecutively)
Cool thing is you never have to wonder what the Matrix movies were supposed to be, no more guessing. And certainly no more thinking they were good movies or designed to break us free of the simulation (our own hypocrisy). To know the law and not follow it, the epitome of hypocrisy. To be unaware or kept from the law, as most commoners, is the epitome of being a simulator. But as the Bible and the legal maxims state, it is no excuse to be ignorant of the Law!
Good Ortho Bro meme