The worst part of this ponzi scheme is that, whether you know it or not, you are just another influencer, or worse, just another Bernie Madoff trying to jockey for position in an multi-level marketing investment scam.
If you are successful in the crypto market, you're really just an agent of that which is against us, an investor and influencer that is acting against even yourself. Don't fool yourself. This is pure evil... HIGHLY RECOMEND THIS VIDEO!!!
Finally, and thank goodness, someone finally put into words what I tried desperately to warn about over a decade ago. This is a mental disorder, a sickness that cannot be justified in any way. We are all each other's antagonist and victims at the same time. This is the True nature of the concept of mammon (false valuation) and why it is forbidden as a crime against Nature (YHVH).
IN Truth, this is no different than the ponzi scheme of the dollar, or any other currency backed by NOTHING BUT DEBT.
Digital farts that rely on so many systems that aren't reliable at all. Crypto is for the dead person in the Crypt. Not that fiat is any better but if I can't hold it in my hand forget it.
Your work has helped me immensely! I have watched this video previously and I also watched another video explaining why Bitcoin is far from what most people think, specially in terms of privacy.
I also want to thank you because in parts thanks to your recommendations I have become a decent fruit tree pruner. It's amazing what proper pruning can do for fruit trees, specially when working with the moon cycle. Our fig trees almost double in size after pruning them. This was in New York and I did heavy pruning on mother's day. After that they started growing wild. We harvested fruit daily for almost two months. I've had similar experiences with peach, apricot, apple, cherry and pear trees, etc.
Thanks clint
Thanks Clint. I sent this to a friend who keeps telling me to buy bitcoin.