Greetings fellow programs!
Sorry clint but it's a great line! So after spending most of my day reading and listening to several old podcasts of clint's i find myself a little disoriented and in kind of a bit of a stupor, almost like getting my bell rung when i did an unintentional back flip off the garage roof when i was a kid? i feel as though i have to do something now, but what that is exactly i really don't know? Well sure, i need to work towards more clarity and a better understanding of exactly how to extracate myself from the public and seriously consider what that means and how it will affect me, my family and anyone else i know? Of course share this information with as many people as i possibly can which physically is not many as the solitary hermit that i am but i have disturbed the sleep on a couple of platforms that i was silent on for years, so i feel there will definitely be more interest in clint's work in the near future?
Moving into the private is pretty straightforward and simple on the surface but once scratched, that surface opens up to reveal some very profound life changing things to consider and means life as i once knew it will no longer be possible? In my present situation and condition it's a very daunting thing for one man to deal with because it means that we must leave all our deeply rooted and engrained habits and programmnig behind. These things have been a part of us for lifetimes and leaving them behind is tantamount to cutting off one's arm or leg or at minimum like kicking an addiction that has been like an old friend who has been with us through thick and thin, it's hard to imagine a life without them?
Living as a man created by Jehovah in heaven is a dream and don't we have to die to get there? Well that's what "they" tell us and as we know "they" have lied about everything which would mean that we are indeed in what could be called heaven only we've been trained to go against our inherent knowing and made to think that we only get here by dying? Anyhow, what i do know is that it will be difficult to do all this on my own without a real plan and a destination to get to?
So, putting it out there for anyone out there who might be further along the path and also might have some experience that i can study and learn from? i do know that the days of being hippocritical, dishonest and out of integrity are numbered in this matrix of lies. For what seems like a lifetime now i wanted to be able to be open, honest, myself and live with integrity at all times and build relationships with others who have these same values? i think this is possible as a man using the teachings and the priciples of natural law as written in the bible, the Law for man as clint has been teaching for years now?
So, what now? Do we have an order in which to step or do we just slowly step out of illusion one toe at a time?
kind blessings to All!
I have often told people that I am but a messenger, that I am not an example, and that Christ is the only Redeemer. Christ, however, must be understood for what it is, which is the Logos or Law of God. The story of Christ is supposed to be read where Christ is a man, not a god, and certainly not YHVH, but equally as suseptable and temptable as all of us. "The Law was made flesh..." The Word (Law) of God personified. That said, the path is there before you and always has been. I cannot tell you what it will be or feel like or lead to any more than any one else. But I can tell you how to stay on the path once you find it, for this is the example of Christ. I do not need to be on the path to see it, only to remain therein. Most gurus and priests will never tell you the Truth, that the path is your own, and no one can tell you what it will be. This is why it is called a leap of faith. God (Nature) will provide. You do not need the fictions and artifices of man to survive, only the Truth of YHVH and its many fruits. Just one peice of advice, if you will permit, which is to remember that all men are Creations of YHVH, all men are also self-evident and self-Existent. Your greatest help and love and charity will be from men. But this love will only come from men, not from persons. The path requires you to see what is Truth from behind the fictional mask (persona) each man has been conditioned to bear. The charitable man will commit the act of charity despite his false persons or any legal law that forbids it. So do not run away from people, embace them for what they are, and seek to show them their Trute selves so that they may help you remain on the path of the self-Existent True self. Allow the transaction of love and charity to happen. Allow the warmth and food feeling to flourish between you, for this cannot ever be felt in the legal realm. Acting on behalf of another is not at all the same as giving money to an artificial person (corporation) (false charity) having never seen or felt in any way how that money is spent or if it is spent on charity at all. The act is the charity, not the giving of mammon. The money is a symbol of the real, a false Truth, and thus a false act of charity. But it is no act, for no charity has actually taken place. On your journey, it will be other men that will keep you sure and steady. Do not condem all of man for what we all have become victim of. You must forgive as you expect forgiveness, and you must be redeemed by the Law to act in redemption. Redemption is not a stamp on a legal document, it is your own action under Law, mostly in forbiding and not respecting unTruth, persons, fictions, and lies.
Your path begins and ends exactly where and when you chose to be what you were Created to be. Nothing more can be said to this end, except that the Law of YHVH is your gaurdrail.