Blessings to all brothers and siStars!
Many years ago it occurred to me that what I'm saying had an affect on the various outcomes of my life? Have you ever been in a group conversation or even a one to one where you've said something and immediately afterwards you watched or "felt" the expression (energy) of the others change? Language and the words we use have power, real power, an etheric unseen power. The magicians of the fictional/legal rhealm have known this for centuries and it's kept us all in a very low level vibratory state that is better suited to them for control. If you've spent any time with clint's work you'll see that he has taken pains to bring this to our attention, his references continually have me shaking my head.
I've always wondered if there was anyone out there who had an indebth knowledge of the language that we are speaking and how to correct it to be in harmony with Nature (Jehovah)? I thought that if I could choose my words carefully to always honor The Creator and be in balance with His Creation instead of constantly casting spells that strengthen and support the fictional matrix and my strawman (persona) that it would literally change my ("The") world? I thought that if I could be in congruence with the natural balance of things through the language that I speak that I might be a grounding energy or an attracting force for all those who I communicate with? Would this then give way to others using this dog language that we are speaking to use it in a way that would strengthen them and in turn strengthen their fellow Man instead of constantly weakening and enslaving them? My short answer is absolutely one hundred percent yes!
Please forgive my ignorance of this language for the way I have just written because surely I have cast some unintentional spells? Awareness is key, we are flagrantly throwing out spells left and right that are sending ripples of detrimentary and low level energy that serves to strengthen and keep us enslaved. The prevelence of swearing and "curse" words to me are an example of this very low vibratory energy? When I was a kid I physically had my mouth washed out with soap for swearing as was the custom for many families in the 50's and 60's. These days curse words are an integral part of the modern lexicon and just look how things have decended. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from being saintly and there have been times in my life that I would put drunken sailors to shame with my use and knowledge of these very low level words. These days I'm trying to use Mom's advice of "knowing" better and then "doing" better but it's a struggle when everyone around you and on line uses this low level language like it's just a matter of fact?
So does anyone know of anyone who might have written a book of language that uses the words we have all been taught in a way that strengthens us and the ones we communicate with everyday? Sure reading clint's stuff definitely points out how words have been obfuscated and shows us what is possible but one must really dig deep to find all the references. Perhaps a phrase book that uses commonly used sentences or phrases or maybe points out how commonly spoken words are used in a disempowering way and how to use words and sentences that would be empowering to the user and those they communicate with? Just a thought?
in joy the day and your life always,
Thank you for your message and thoughts on this Clint.
Okay now I'm confused ... not totally confused but I'm left with a preponderance of what that actually looks and feels like? I see clearly that private association is definitely the way forward, although I'm sorry to say that it's quite a lot to wrap my indoctrinated, programmed and feeble brain around? I've been searching for what seems my whole life to be in a true trusting relationship with everyone I know. I've said since I was a kid that I just really wanted to be "me" and not sugar coat or glaze over who I am but it seemed that everyone and everywhere I went there was no true authenticity? It seemed like so called "white lies" were absolutely required and in fact necessary to navigate the waters of what I thought at the time was reality? This was so evident when I entered the world of corpse - orations where outright lies were expected and you were condemned for not trampling on others to support and improve on that mighty bottom line (EBITDA). That really tested me and was a source of ongoing discomfort and depression as I was being inauthentic to my true nature for decades before I finally had the courage to pull the pin, and to be honest still kinda spiraling ever since.
So if we are not using nouns or even not actually speaking then is it all just an innate innerstanding, an intuitive relation between one man and another? This is some pretty heavy energy to digest Clint but it does sound pretty awesome I must say? This is making me think that we all inherently know when we are doing right (good) or doing wrong (evil)? We all get this "gut" feeling when someone is lying or being inauthentic but of course we never trust that or at least we have never been taught to develop or pay attention to that inherent gift? When I look you in the eye and shake your hand I already know if you are full of shit or if you are sincere, there is a kinesiological (muscle) transmission within the body or call it our inherent bull shit detector going off but it's been suppressed for so long we don't hear it let alone trust it?
Let me know if I'm on the right track here or if I'am I falling in the ditch again, that dang ditch is always full of mud and it's really hard to get those stains outta my white robe?
kind blessings to you and your family brother!
One thing for sure, it was the advent of the noun (person, place, thing), which is another word for NAME, that the legal system counts on. When the name (noun) is respected over that which is Real, that which carries the burden of the name (noun) is counted in the status therein, a person (fictional title/identity), in a place (jurisdiction/domicile), and as a thing (chattel/property). This is why it is so important to understand that YHVH (JEHOVAH) is a verb, not a name (noun). When we say supreme being it is not a status (persona/mask) but the very action of EXISTENCE Itself. The word God is a mere title, and always a noun. But YHVH is meant to be the Highest and undeniable Truth of Existence, of Creation, of the Universe, not a separate entity from it. My point is that if all words were not names (nouns), there would be no mis-understanding of the intent of the words. An adjective describes, but Beauty is not a property that can be legalized, but a property of the mind, the soul. A verb is used to speak of an action that really happens or happened, not an empty name (noun) that never actually happens in Truth. Men are enslaved because the word slave is a noun. Murder is legalized because it is a noun.
These are terms of law, and the ones that bind are nouns. It is not the words that will save you but your intention. This, in my opinion, is why we must come together in private association, with the understanding and even contractual liability and obligation to one another that no words shall be considered as nouns (persons, places, or things), which don't exist in Truth, and therefore no misunderstanding can happen that would lead to any legal action. But this must be a trust, in the true sense of the word, and the rule must be sacred among all members. This is what we can build. I'm certain of it.