I researched and looked at the hard work of Matt Presti multiple times and it brought me some knowledge in life. Especially his music. Apparently from the post today he decided to go through the process of state national. I wrote to him directly via email, letting him know of Clints work. In case you also know him or have a contact on him, could you let him know also to consider the state national and status changing process before hand? From my experience and communication with him over the years I have considered him an authentic man. I might be wrong since it is only from the perscepctive of follower and I have never met him. If I am wrong or he has a different plans I am sorry to interrupt..

Dear brother,
I don't know shit in the big picture. I'm just a mindless goy walking in the direction of the slaughter house like most. In my mind this guy is not wrong, and he's not right either, he's probably a well meaning idiot or perhaps a malicious idiot, but rest assured he is an idiot and anyone who follows his advice might be better served shoveling the neighbors sidewalk or helping him mend his fence?
Do the best you can, try to stay healthy, love your family and friends and leave the rest to JHVH, he created this mess and he knows how to sort it out .... at least as far as I know, but then again no one really does anyway? .... "is this real, or is it just a ride"? (bill hicks)
blessings to you and your family!