Back in the day and that would be many days in the past, we were identified in this manor: William, son of Frederick ... Kelly, son of Alphonse ... etc.... There was no "surname" just the first Christian given name followed by the father's first name. What do you think of using this type of call it "verbage" today? If for example we found ourselves in court (and of course it's a place we never want to be) would we be in congruency with being a "man" created by The Creator (Jehovah) to say our first name followed by our father's first name? When called they will be looking for the legal fiction first and surname but to answer as our first name followed by our father's first name and not acknowledge the legal fiction, do you think this would hold up?
kind blessings to All
Yes... remember too that there is no life in words, especially nouns (names/titles). The man is not born with a name, nor is anything in Creation. God does not use language, math, or any symbol representing what is real, for God is Real, Truth. Truth needs nothing to prove itself, and neither do you. It is when you user a name or title that you are making some claim that is unnatural. Only what is not Truth must be proven. As part of Truth (YHVH), you need no first or last name. You need nothing at all. For you exist self-evidently (YHVH). You are part of self-Existence (YHVH). I cannot stress this enough. Words are not of Nature.
In a word, no. If you go to court and perport to be a man (non-fiction), the court will automatically throw you into the fake or misinfo category of "sovereign citizen" nonsense and you will not be able to do anything without the judge being on guard. Only fictions can legally "appear" in court, with the exception of their agent (attorney) that represents them. You can appear as the agent, but this is complicated and not recomended unless you know how to act the part of an attorney and are familiar with the rules of court proceedure, etc. The courtroom (bar) is not for men. No man need identify him or her self, ever, to anything or anyone, unless they are required. You are not required, unless you have business to conduct in that agency, which means you awould appear or have an attorney appear on the persons behalf. The court will never seek or call out for any man, because men are not an appearance. Men are not fiction, so there are no men in the court. This is an empty patriot mythology that will fail every time.
What you call yourself or by what family name is none of the court's jurisdiction or business, and so you should be annonymous from it. There is no reason to share publicly your private family name. And there is no reason to go to any court unless you plan on appearing as such person it seeks. Thus, private men avoid courtroom settings all together if possible.