Dear fellow Underground miners,
I was on Beth Martens Telegram channel and this came through this mourning and was of extreme interest to me because I have essentially been hamstringed for the last almost year by not being able to "legally" register, operate and drive a motor vehicle on public roads which has been crippling because I live an hour from any services or food stores. While there are several red flags with this message and the website, it appears as though these guys have many decades of experience working out the legalities of the US system of law with many successes under their belts? I live in Canada but am contacting them to see if I can use any of their information and apply it to my situation? If one explores their site they "seem" to have a noble mission of educating the public and more specifically the children and young adults (a-dolts) on .... yes Clint, "Common Law".
I'm at the point now where I'll use what works or what has worked for others rather than dismiss or criticize it out of hand? If there is a proven track record then it's definitely worth a look and more over worth a try? This is the message as it appeared in the Telegram post, I don't like a lot of the wording but on the surface it did get my attention?
18 July 2023
The Power and Purpose of Reason
Reason, the foundation of Justice, is Discipline seeking Truth.
Justice is Reason in action, deciding between alternatives.
Justice is not amorphous clay to be molded and shaped as we choose, the toy of tyrants, the merchandise of lawyers.
It is our Treasure, the Hope of Mankind, the Architecture of Civilization.
It is, as it should be, impervious to politics or public persuasion, guided by Reason and Reason alone.
Justice, guided by Reason that cannot be persuaded by Falsehood.
Reason, that Firm Foundation on which Justice finds her Footing.
Reason is the Engine that powers Justice toward Truth.
Reason justifies the Rulings by which Justice orders Society.
The Core of Reason is Truth and Love.
Love compelling Justice to be Just.
Truth defining the Boundaries that Reason must obey.
Lights in our Present Darkness.
Forces for our Good, urging us to Action and Obedience.
Truth, Love, and Reason guided by Intellect and the Rule of Right, setting the Stage for the Great Revolution prepared for by the Ages by which Mankind will someday share the Global Prosperity and Peace we all desire.
We must choose now to honor these with our Labor and Devotion, casting the tinsel of temporary enticements aside, each of us taking our place in the Work.
We must lift these Lights higher so they may lead our children to Safety.
Time waits for this generation to make Eternity’s awesome Decision.
So fellow miners, have a look and let me know your thoughts and I'll come back with more once I've had a chance to look into this a bit further?
kind blessings to All!
I am taking the Dr. Graves course which is long and arduous with lots to memorize and learn. You get it for a year and then can resubscribe. I am not sure that I'll ever be able to use what I've learned. Just know, you would be stepping into your legal fiction to 'appear' in court and act as your own lawyer. So it is not something that helps you get out of things as a living man. I have come across Mark Emery and another man with some strategies to stay out of your 'person'. I posted something on it awhile back, but I am not sure of the efficacy of their methods in action. I am still investigating. Not enough hours in the day or night!
A few links from my exploration:
Good luck, think positive, pray and expect it to happen,
I cannot speak to this particular site, but I certainly would recomend what's attached to it, which is the Jurisdictionary by Graves. I interviewed him a while ago, if you want to listen. Good show.
RADIO SHOW 252, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Download:
Clint’s Guest tonight: Frederick Graves How to Win in Court!