I am taking a course called Jurisdictionary, by Dr. Graves, I forget his given name. It is legalese which we sometimes may have to encounter, so I figured I'd learn it. I'm on the part for Pleadings. So you first have to make a complaint. Listening to Cal Washington and KL on Crowe777, they say to not act like a child in the court and plead, but to make a Claim. Being that we are in their world , not Jehovah's when we step in court, would that be listened to? They say the case will be rapidly dismissed and you get your way immediately, or the judge calls a long recess so as not to answer. Supposedly, Cal made a claim against a Rochelle Walensky of the CDC, and that is when she resigned. Big Supposedly! I trust your wisdom the most Clint.
And the other thing, if I would have to swear on the Bible, I wouldn't get anywhere at all in the first place, cause I wouldn't.
I came across some other legal/lawful discussions teaching to act according to the Bible instructions of Jesus while engaging in court. I'll post a video here. Comments regarding validity or not are appreciated. What does anyone think of Mark Emery? He has several on his YT channel called Exit Babylon.
Learning Rules of Civil Procedure are also vital in learning if you go to court. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure | Federal Rules of Civil Procedure | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)
You will have to double check to see your state's Rules of Civil Procedure as well but they should match up to the federal ones for the most part.
Cal makes bold claims without any proof. Just a lot of rhetoric. His "notices" are bullshit and do nothing nor are they legally binding on anyone. Also if you go in his new website, he identifies the business as a 508C1A, which we know by now to be a fraudulent non existing thing. KL shows people to put their BC and SSN in a Trust and claims that is how you control your strawman and other misuses of a trust. That is fraud. Crow is all about KL's process now. These influencers are to be questioned.
Thanks for your question Ilene and for your answers Clint.
I had been suspect on KW and Crowe777 for a while and wasn't sure if my BS detector was working correctly, it seems like I just need to learn how to use and operate it better?
I've also heard similar information to Ilene and also heard that you as a man/woman ask the court/judge to show evidence of claim that I have done harm to another man or woman so I can make "remedy" here and now. If you have done no harm like in the example of a traffic offence apparently the charges are dismissed because they cannot show that a man or woman was harmed? Also "apparently" asking to show jurisdiction of claim renders all charges null because they cannot show jurisdiction? I have no direct experience of any of that or your answers below but they "sound" good?
Further, how does one show up as a man or woman created by Jehovah? If we are created in the natural world and we are now entering into the satanic fictional world, when we go to court our legal fiction is on the docket, when they do the preliminary role call for "persons" who have "business" with the court, when our name (persona) is called do we acknowledge it or say we are acting "on behalf" or as "agent" or as beneficiary or? It seems any acknowledgement consents to that legal fiction and as such we are done before we've started?
From what I've "heard" we do not recognize that we are the plaintiff or complain-tiff? As Ilene said complaining is what a child does. Being that all legal laws are fiction they hold no force against a flesh and blood man or woman (the judge knows this and doesn't have to be told) so we are to bring "our" law, biblical law(Jehovah) into the court and make a claim (with evidence) directly to a living man or woman which would be the judge or prosecutor or policy enforcer?
Does anyone have any experience with trying to stop any of this by sending any documents for court appearances, fines etc.... by writing "I do not consent" or "I do not wish to contract" and instead of signing it we "autograph" it with "by: Kelly Harel; without prejudice"? I've "heard" of at least one guy that this did work but that was on a traffic ticket and sent back within 72 hours and not after a fine or court date was established?
Where does one look to find the rules of evidence and court doctrine? When you listen to guys like CW and others they make it sound believable and straight forward and also give the impression that there are lots of people who have been successful using their information? While I don't know of anyone in my direct experience a friend of a friend's friend kicked ass in the court using their stuff?
kind regards,
Greetings Ilene... Dr. Graves is an attorney from 1986, and I interviewed him on my show, here:
corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/show252_nov10.mp3 I don't have any problem with his course accept maybe the marketing and price.
I also did a series of interviews with KW. Those are searchable on the same site. However, the difference is that nobody could seem to do what KW did, despite many attempts. After a period of time, I renounced any affiliation with KW. If anything, he did the wrong thing by accepting money from government instead of land. I don't recommend going down that particular rabbit hole, the shows we did were good. They are worth listening to but with caution and logic engaged. The point is that whatever KW supposedly did is not reproducible, and perhaps not even real. I cannot say one way or the other. Cal Washington I don't follow, probably because I dismissed his work a while ago for similar falsities. He's a good salesman, a showman. Otherwise, I'd be very careful. The radio host you refer to (Croww) screwed me over and refused to have me on his show again because I proved his information to be bullshit, and being in the airlines called bullshit on his "documentary". When I sent him proof of another lie, instead of correcting himself he banned me from email and called me a troll. So, personally, I would not follow him. As for "making a claim", any claim you make also requires proof of claim. To make a claim, you must be a legal entity. From what I understand, one should deny all claims, including that of being a person of the US. In the end, I would recommend Graves Jurisdictionary from what I've heard and from my interview with him, though I have not taken the course myself (can't afford it). That's my perspective.