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I know it is late, but I will try to phrase this question as best as possible, as we are all in the similar situation seeking resolution to a non-revolution state of being regardless of just living. We are also implicated in this mess we face regardless, if we choose to keep our eyes wide shut.
I’ve doubled across a gentleman from Burlington Ontario by the neighbourhood of Christopher James ; who has had this channel for a long time and goes through many possible outcomes on how to seek resolution like Clint and many of us here the slightly different spin from what we know to be true by dealing with legally maggots on their terms in a courthouse by compiling a dossier. That said, even if we could compile the proper evidence, these maggots AK magistrates wouldn’t step foot in their own courthouse.
I will provide the link if anyone can find the time to listen, I do believe he is on something detrimental in terms of prosecuting through the man not the corporate entity. If someone has watched the entire link, could they please share some insight as to how someone can travel without a drivers license but also have insurance on them as he speaks to have revoked his license CJ still drives around. Is it possible that after affirmation and application into the corporate state in order to become man again you would need to rescind Properties the last name to the corporation of the you applied under through your birth certificate?
There is mention of a three state process that is applicable should you be stopped without license, but somehow have ownership papers upon you that the vehicle you were driving is your property same goes for property tax on your home and income tax on the person which he claims to be a man of not confirmed at this point?
Thanks for your time. Hope to hear on some suggestions as to a global solution for all.